Eldress Rosetta Cummings, an exhibit at Enfield Shaker Museum.
Eldress Rosetta Cumings (1841-1925)

Eldress Rosetta Cumings: A Shaker Life of Consecrated Labor

Eldress Rosetta Cummings came as a young child to the Enfield Shakers in 1843, at the height of the society’s prosperity.

Over the next eight decades she experienced first-hand the dramatic changes occurring at Enfield and throughout the Shaker world. As an adult she felt the impact of dwindling membership, economic hardship, and ultimately the closing of her community in 1923.

In the face of these challenges Rosetta Cummings accepted leadership responsibilities, both spiritual and economic, that required her unwavering commitment to Shakerism and to her Shaker family. With humility and patience she met the demands thrust upon her.

In this exhibit we celebrate her Shaker life of consecrated labor.

“Eldress Rosetta Cumings: A Shaker Life of Consecrated Labor” was designed and installed by Museum volunteers Mary Ann Haagen and Carolyn Smith, with assistance from curator Michael O’Connor.