Enfield Everywhere
Enfield Everywhere is a multi-part exhibit to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the closing of Enfield Shaker Village in 1923. Enfield Everywhere has four components–exhibits at Enfield Shaker Museum and nearby venues, pop-up exhibits at other museums, a dedicated web page with Enfield, New Hampshire Shaker objects, and a printed catalog.
Enfield Everywhere Exhibits at Enfield Shaker Museum
The first Enfield Everywhere exhibit at the Museum, “Enfield Shaker Trustees 1795-1904: Faithful Stewards,” opened at the Spring Shaker Forum on April 21, 2023.
During the 19th century three Enfield Shaker brothers served as First Trustee of the Church Family: Nathaniel Draper (1795-1821), Caleb Marshall Dyer (1824-1863), and John Bradford (1863-1904). Each man faced challenges unique to his generation. But all three shared a selfless devotion to their faith, and to the trust placed in them. Curated and designed by Mary Ann Haagen and Carolyn Smith, the exhibit features Enfield Shaker objects from the collections of Enfield Shaker Museum, Canterbury Shaker Village, and the Shaker Museum in Chatham, New York.
Gallery Talks:
Spring Shaker Forum, Friday, April 21, 2023, with Mary Ann Haagen.
Members-only Reception, Wednesday, May 17, 2023 with Mary Ann Haagen.
“Enfield Shaker Trustees 1795-1904: Faithful Stewards” will run through 2025.
Enfield Everywhere Exhibits at Other Museums
A new exhibition, “Masterworks of Shaker Design: A Tale of Two Enfields,” opened recently at the New Britain Museum of American Art in New Britain, Connecticut. Conceived and curated by M. Stephen Miller, this exhibition is comprised of 31 exceptional objects from the former Shaker communities at Enfield, Connecticut and Enfield, New Hampshire. Most of objects on display have survived in nearly perfect condition. This exhibit is collaboration between the New Britain Museum of American Art, Enfield Shaker Museum, and several individual collectors. Well worth a visit.
Gallery talks: March 22, 2023 (with M. Stephen Miller) and May 13, 2023 (with Stephen J. Paterwic).
“A Tale of Two Enfields” exhibition runs until Sunday, August 6, 2023.
Read more about this exhibit.
Enfield Everywhere On Line
More information coming soon.
Enfield Everywhere Catalog
More information coming soon.
Enfield Shaker Museum Thanks the National Endowment for the Humanities

The Enfield Everywhere Exhibit and this web resource has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom.
Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the Enfield Everywhere Exhibit and this web resource do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.