Give to the Collection
Gifts of Furniture, Objects, Photographs, and Archival Materials
Enfield Shaker Museum’s collection has been built through the generous donations of those who want to share their Enfield Shaker treasures with others. Your gift will ensure that current and future visitors to the Museum will experience and learn from original Enfield Shaker-made furniture and objects, as well as archival materials.
By archival materials, we mean manuscripts, journals, diaries, account books, hymnals, letters, visitor accounts, deeds, periodicals, and any other documents that chronicle the beliefs, lives, and work of the Enfield Shakers. We are particularly interested in photographs in all formats – CDV’s, cabinet cards, stereoviews, postcards, and even snapshots taken by visitors or those who have lived here.
Three Ways to Give
- Outright Gifts – Allow you to receive a charitable deduction for tax purposes.
- Promised Gifts – Allow you to continue to enjoy the use of your furniture, objects, archival materials, and photographs while making a commitment of a future gift to Enfield Shaker Museum either during your lifetime or through a bequest.
- Bequests – Ensure that your furniture, objects, archival materials, and photographs will have a proper home after your death and lessen the burden of estate taxes on your heirs.
If you are considering a gift of furniture, objects, etc. to Enfield Shaker Museum, please contact our curator, Michael O’Connor by phone at 603-632-4346 or by email at curatorial@shakermuseum.org for more information.
Contributions for the Purchase of Enfield Shaker Objects
Funds supplied by donors help shape and improve Enfield Shaker Museum’s collection.
In recent years, the Museum has purchased through the generosity of donors, several exceptional Enfield Shaker pieces that could not have come to the Museum by any other means.
If you are willing to assist the Museum to acquire additional exceptional items for the collection, please write “Acquisition Fund” on your contribution check or respond when the Museum sends out a Call for Support.
To make an online gift, please visit our donation page.
Donations for the Stewardship of the Collection
Maintaining historically significant objects requires care. You can support stewardship of the Museum’s collection through donations for:
- Storage –Enfield Shaker Museum stores a portion of its collection at any given time. Secure, climate controlled storage facilities and equipment are essential.
- Conservation –Historic objects require expert care and sometimes repair or restoration.
- Exhibitions –Exhibitions require security, lighting, display pieces, temperature and humidity control.
For more information on gifts to support the stewardship of Enfield Shaker Museum collection, please call 603-632-4346 or email development@shakermuseum.org.
Enfield Shaker Museum is a nonprofit educational organization recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3).
All or part of your donation may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Please check with your tax advisor.
Enfield Shaker Museum does not appraise materials. Please contact the American Society of Appraisers for a list of appraisers in a specific geographic area.